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List of All Computers Full Forms [Updated] – 2022

list of all computer full form
list of all computer full form

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can be used to store, analyze, and process data. When the abacus and other similar inventions happened, the person who calculates the numerical problems on them is referred to as ‘Human Computers’. Later, it was renamed ‘Computers’. The first digital computer was developed during World War II by ‘John Mauchly and ‘J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania and named as ‘ENIAC’. The full form of this is ‘Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. All the calculations that were first done by humans themselves were now done through this computer. This makes the calculations error-free and faster. The only drawback that these early computers have is that they were huge in size as they use vacuum tubes. At that time, a single computer can take up a room-size space. Due to this, they are not portable computers. This is the reason that we could find them only in workplaces or universities.

Soon after, computers have invented that work on transistors. This way the computers became small and cheap so that a common person can buy them. And this evolution continues to this day.

The computers work as a binary system that is only two variables ‘0’ and ‘1’ used for processing any task. The computer understands only the binary language. In this Century, we are surrounded by computers. There are many different types of computers that we use in our daily life such as Mobile phones, Calculators, and Televisions.

How does a computer work?

The main function that a computer performs is to allow the user to send data to the computer and process it and converts it into useful information (output) and store it in its memory.

How does a computer work?

The computers work as a binary system that is only two variables ‘0’ and ‘1’ used for processing any task. The computer understands only the binary language. In this Century, we are surrounded by computers. There are many different types of computers that we use in our daily life such as Mobile phones, Calculators, and Televisions.

Tasks a computer can perform

The computer comprises of sub-programs like input system, memory, and output system that work together to form an integrated system. A computer is a device that is used to process and analyze data and convert it into some meaningful information. A computer can also work as a calculator as it can perform basic arithmetic operations as well as advanced math problems. It can also perform logical operations. In conclusion, we can say that a computer is an electronic device that can perform all types of complex arithmetic and logical operation on its own.

Computers are also used for the representation of data through different mediums and make the whole process quicker. There are many other advantages of using a computer:

·         Boosts the speed of data processing.

·         Handles huge bulk of data easily.

·         Evaluation of data becomes easy and quick.

·         Rechecking and debugging data are easy.

·         Comparative evaluation can be done through maps and graphs.

The computer provides many other benefits other than these. You can practically observe them by using a computer.

Basic parts of the computer

We are living in the 21st Century, where the computer is an essential part of our life. It doesn’t matter which field we belong to; we just need a computer in our daily routine. A computer consists of different terms, theories, and parts that a person should know to understand the computer well.

·         CPU

The full form of CPU is ‘Central Processing Unit’. CPU is known as the brain of the computer. All the functions and operations are performed in this processing unit. The CPU handles, manipulates, calculates, and arranges data for output purposes.  

·         Hard Disk Drive

A hard disk drive is a non-volatile data storage device. Non-volatile devices are used to store data permanently for future use. In this way, all the important data that shouldn’t get removed must be saved on this hard disk. This makes the processing so much easier and quicker. Normally, a hard disk drive is fitted inside the computer.

·         RAM

The full form of RAM is ‘Random Access Memory which is a temporary storage platform where we can store data while processing. RAM is a short-term memory allocation where data can be stored temporarily for processing. RAM further has two types:



·         Software

Computer software is a program that consists of all the instructions needed for a computer to perform any task and work well. In other words, we can say that software comprises files that are used to carry out different operations on the computer.

·         Hardware

All the physical parts of a computer are categorized as ‘Hardware’ of the computer. The most common examples of computer hardware are:

o   Monitor

o   Mouse

o   Keyboard

o   Motherboard

o   Joystick

o   Desktop

Full form of Computer (abbreviations)

The table below shows all computer full form (abbreviation) and their full forms that are being used in today’s world.

PCPersonal Computer
CPUCentral Processing Unit
AIArtificial Intelligence
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
FMFrequency Modulation
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
BASICBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
ALGOLAlgorithmic Language
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
ARPANETAdvanced Research Project Agency Network
BIPSBillions of Instructions Per Second
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
BIOSBasic Input Output System
CADComputer Aided Design
FMSFile Management System
BPIBytes Per Inch
CANCampus Area Network
DSNDistributed Systems Network
CDCControl Data Corporation
EDSACElectronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EDVACElectronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
EPROMErasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering
PANPersonal Area Network
CAEComputer Aided engineering
CDCompact Disk
ROMRead Only Memory
RAMRandom Access Memory
CLCommand Language
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
DNADigital Network Architecture
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
DPIDots Per Inch
FEPFront End Processor
FTFormula Translation
GBGiga Bytes
TBTera Bytes
KBKilo Bytes
MBMega Bytes
GHZGiga Hertz
CLICommand Line Interface
COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language
CRTCathode Ray Tube
DBMSData Base Management System
DMADirect Memory Access
WANWide Area Network
HSSHierarchical Storage System
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
IDAInfrared Data Association
WLLWireless Local Loop
ABCAtanasoff Berry Computer
VGAVideo Graphics Array
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UPCUniversal Product Code
WORMWrite Once Read Many
CDCControl Data Corporation
CD-RWCD Read/Write
DDLData Definition Language
SNASystems Network Architecture
DECDigital Equipment Corporation
DTSDigital Theater System
FLOPSFloating Point Operations Per Second
EPICExplicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
SIMMSingle In-line Memory Module
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MIPSMillions of Instructions Per Second
MVTMultiprogramming with Variable Tasks
LSILarge Scale Integration
OCROptical Character Recognition
PIPPeripheral Interchange Program
SDLCSoftware Development Life Cycle
SEQUELStructured English Query Language
SQLStructured Query Language
DVDDigital Video Disk
GUIGraphical User Interface
HSSHierarchical Storage System
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
PROMProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PDFPortable Document Format
OSOperating System
OMROptical Mark Reader
NOSNetwork Operating System
NICNetwork Interface Card
SGMLSyntax for Generalized Markup Language
SNOBOLString Oriented and symbolic Language
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
VCRVideo Cassette Recorder
WiMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
MNPMicro-com Network Protocol
MBRMemory Buffer Register
HTTPHyper Text Transport Protocol
IBMInternational Business Machine
ICIntegrated Circuit
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XHTMLExtensible Hyper Text Markup Language
WWWWorld Wide Web
LANLocal Area Network
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
MARMemory Address Register
MANMetropolitan Area Network
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
KHzKilo Hertz
JREJava Runtime Engine
JSPJava Server Pages
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
IPInternet Protocol
IDNIntegrated Digital Networks
ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery

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