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10+ SEO Quotes to Get inspired

SEO Quotes to Get inspired
SEO Quotes to Get inspired

SEO Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around in one shape or form since around the mid-90s, making it appear too daunting for those just starting to establish their brand.

Are you looking for inspiration to help you write an SEO report or proposal? We’ve compiled the 10+ most significant and inspirational SEO quotes from digital agency executives and SEO experts. The quotes range from strategies and tactics, along with everything between. We’ve distilled these inspiring SEO quotes into single-liners and added the complete quote below. We hope that they are an inspiration to you just as they did us!

Good SEO

“Good SEO works only get more effective over time. It’s just search engine techniques that have to be updated in the event that algorithms for ranking change.”

Good SEO


“If you’re richer than brains, it is best to concentrate on outbound marketing. If you’re smarter than money, then you should be focusing on inbound marketing.”


Google Mission

“Google’s mission is to bring the world’s information in a user-friendly and efficient manner. Speed is becoming increasingly essential to achieving this goal, particularly for the mobile web. We’re beginning to observe strong correlations between speedy page loading speeds and higher rankings in search.”

Google Mission


“Links are crucial in order to discover the content first. In other words, if there’s no has ever linked to your website will we struggle to comprehend its existence of it. Once we’ve found it and started to crawl it, and then indexing its contents and found that it’s pretty awesome these links are usually not as important anymore.”


SEO The Marketing Technique

“In general terms, I can believe that SEO becoming a common marketing technique, just as radio, TV, and printed media are generally considered to be marketing strategies.”

SEO the Marketing Technique

SEO Pays Attention to all Aspects

“Good SEO pays careful attention to all the little aspects that bloggers tend to overlook. From making use of the Yoast plug-in to write for the masses, to writing comprehensive resources that link to trusted websites and linking to always-updated relevant information. Don’t do what other sites make to rank for semi-competitive, and possibly highly competitive keywords. Spend an additional 3-4 hours on an optimized SEO-friendly post. The results from an optimized traffic source, branding, and community-building are staggering.”

SEO Pay Attention to All Aspects

SEO is a Creative Game

“I prefer to think of SEO as a creative numbers game. It requires basic skills like writing technical analysis, creating relationships, and the ability to think logically. Once you’ve checked the above boxes off, it’s an exercise in numbers. It’s about getting things accomplished. From that point, you’ll find the difficulties to be more personal to you and your priorities.”

SEO is A Creative Game

Quality Content

“The truth is that a large portion of content that is published is not worthy of linking to. Seventy percent of it receives no inbound links. Therefore, you should not follow the more is better’ method of content if you’re seeking links. Instead, focus on quality. Your content can generate links only if your content is truly extraordinary in the sense that Seth Godin would say.”

Quality Content

Collaborate with Google

“Effective SEO isn’t about playing tricks on Google. It’s about collaborating with Google to deliver the most effective results in Google’s search engine for its users.”

Collaboration with Google

Double The Conversion Rate

“It’s much more simple to increase your profits by doubling the conversion rate rather than doubling the amount of traffic you are generating.”

Double the Conversion Rate

Optimization for Relevant Things

“A real estate agent located in Wichita is not likely to achieve getting a ranking for “real estate” and a lawyer in Fresno is not likely to achieve being ranked for the term “lawyer.” Optimize for specific, relevant terms that bring you targeted visitors.”

Optimization for Relevant Things

Get Targeted Traffic

“Today It’s Not About ‘Get the Traffic’ — It’s About ‘Get the Targeted and Relevant Traffic.”

Get Targeted Traffic


Search Engine Optimization (or SEO for short) requires a lot of work and carefully planned planning. SEO is not a quick, long-term project, unlike other forms of media like marketing via direct responses and social marketing via media. 

We hope that you are motivated by the following SEO quotes. Sometimes, quotes like these can be highly effective in establishing the tone for the context of client presentations and meetings. The ability to say what you want to say through an expert in the field can be a fantastic method to convey your credible message.

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